Lots of updates over at the Ohio Immigrant Alliance.
MAJOR MEDIA HIT — Saidu Sow on NBC Nightly News
If you’ve been with us for a while, you know about Saidu Sow. He’s one of the heroes who exposed outrageous abuses inside ICE jail during the first Trump administration, and worked with lawyers and activists to end the contracts at Morrow and Butler County Jails. He was deported, but he hasn’t stopped speaking up. Check out Saidu’’s interview, in direct opposition to Butler Sheriff Richard Jones’ lies, on NBC Nightly News.
No Muslim ban — ever, ever, EVER
If you’ve been with us for a while, you also know that we’ve helped focus attention on the contributions of Black and Muslim immigrants in Ohio. We’ve published original research about these Ohioans’ experiences, like Broken Hope and the Illusion of Justice project. Check out our statement about the portended new Muslim, African, and Caribbean ban, which was picked up by Documented.
Ohio DOES Stand With Immigrants
Thanks to OPAWL – Building AAPI Feminist Leadership in Ohio, you, and our partners: 81 organizations and over 2,500 Ohioans from 69 counties sent a strong message to state and local officials: Ohio stands with immigrants. They sent a letter outlining seven things our governments can do to ensure Ohio becomes a welcoming place for people of all backgrounds. It’s not too late to sign on! Share this letter with your networks with this social media toolkit. One thing I love are the graphics that include quotes from people who signed the petition!
A Way Forward
We don’t want ICE jail; we don’t want mass deportation; we don’t want a Muslim ban. Yes, Ohio stands with immigrants and we have action steps for counties, cities, and the state. But what should our federal government do?
After talking to two cab drivers, I had a “radical idea.” What if we made the U.S. immigration system work the way people think it does? Marty Schladen over at Ohio Capital Journal spoke to Celinda Lake, a pollster who has spent decades interviewing voters about the immigration system, and Heather Drabek Prendergast, an esteemed immigration lawyer. They walked him through public opinion on immigration, the legal landmines created by Congress and the Executive Branch, and what a simpler and more logical system could be.
Grab Bag of Updates
We have some more good news over at OHIA!
OHIA Organizing Director Maryam Sy was honored with the Women’s Community Catalyst Award from We Are All America. Congrats, Maryam!
OHIA Advocacy Director Demba Ndiath was interviewed by ABC 6 in Columbus!
OHIA ED Lynn Tramonte published an op-ed about ICE jail in the Toledo Free Press and is joining the Young Latino Network in Cleveland for an advocacy training on March 20 at 6pm! RSVP here.
Like-Minded in Lake County will be out at the Geauga County Jail on March 15, protesting the ongoing kidnapping of our community members by ICE, with the cooperation of some county sheriffs. Info and RSVP here.
P.S. — If you haven’t seen the Community Conversation we hosted a while back about advancing a more holistic immigration narrative, check it out here. Hundreds of people watched live and we continue to get a lot of great feedback.
P.P.S. — If you have any extra cash, please donate to our Detained Immigrants Commissary Fund. We are putting money on the books for Ohioans who are unjustly detained by ICE. This is a lifeline, so they can stay connected to loved ones and lawyers and keep fighting their cases. And don’t forget to spread the word about the Ohio Immigrant Hotline for reporting abuses. Together, we keep us safe.